Can you take orders? Can you handle objects thrown directly at your head? Would you willingly die for me? If you answer yes to all three questions then you are mad, and i like madness, the madder the better i say!
This role will require you to Mod the whole forum, keep an eye on the Junior Assistants, answer any member questions as well as help Shop Owners keep track of their Inventory and withdrawals made from Gringotts Bank Accounts / PiggyBanks. Additional job roles will become available as time passes. You must be prepared to handle these as i do have tendency to drop something at the very last minute.
Starting wage is: 2000 Galleons
rising after three months depending upon how you do.
Please reply below and sell yourself, tell me what you can do for this site and for me.
you may also continue to study/teach/have other jobs whilst being head Mod.